Self-paced courses
and interactive webinars
Offered in different languages
More than 1000 policy makers have joined our programmes
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Trade Facilitation Modules
Understanding Trade Facilitation
Trade Facilitation
and Development
Trade Facilitation
Indexes and Reports
National Trade Facilitation Committees
Introduction to the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
Understanding the Provisions of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement
Technical Barriers to Trade and Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures in the context of Trade Facilitation
Standards and recommendations by UN/CEFACT
e-Coaching Modules
How to set up an effective NTFC
Focus on identifying the right stakeholders, drafting Terms of Reference and supporting legislation to set up an NTFC
How to draft a communication strategy for NTFCs
Learn key concepts of communication and how to apply them to draft a communication strategy for the NTFC
Effective communications for NTFC members
How to develop
a National Trade
Facilitation Roadmap
Learn what is a national trade facilitation roadmap, its benefits and how to draft it in an inclusive way
How to establish a Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
Learn key concepts of monitoring and evaluation and how to apply those to the work of the NTFC
How to draft a Resource Mobilization Strategy
Learn what is a resource mobilization strategy for trade facilitation, its benefits and how to draft one
How to draft trade facilitation project proposals
How to draft a knowledge transfer strategy
How to do Business Process Analysis
Learn a specific methodology to undertake Business Process Analysis of trade procedures to be able to better identify bottlenecks and redundancies
How to
simplify trade procedures
Master the art of simplifying trade procedures making cross-border trade faster, simpler and cheaper
Emergent topics
Climate-smart Trade and Investment for Sustainable Development
Blockchain for trade facilitation
Dive into the world of blockchain and its game-changing role in trade facilitation
Our platform with your own words
#practical | #interactive | #easy to understand | #informative | #easy to use
Facilitation issues were unpacked and how the different organizations
work together to ensure smooth trade across borders.