While globalization has lifted billions of people out of poverty in
the Asia-Pacific region alone, the economic growth supported by existing
trade and investment policies has come at a steep environmental cost.
The latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
unequivocally concludes that a human-made climate crisis is unfolding
and that we are on the verge of a tipping point. All possible avenues
need to be considered in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including in
the policies governing trade and investment. The links between trade,
investment and climate change are complex. The key is to ensure that the
positive effects of trade and investment are maximized, such as by
promoting trade and investment in renewable energy and low-carbon
technologies, while minimizing the adverse effects, such as by
digitalizing trade and transport systems. As such, this course seeks to
explain the relationship between climate-change and trade and
investment, and provide recommendations on how trade and investment
policies can be more “climate-smart”.
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